So yes, I know the theme for my website & marketing is around "helping you get your shit together" but I want to let you know that I pour so much love into my work. You get my heart & soul with everything we do together.

I'm so passionate about HELPING you & your business shine.

I'm also a master "green-brainer" (you can also google green brain if you don't know what it is!) & I have a knack of really knowing how pull apart what's rattling around inside your head & structure it so it feels achievable for you to get to work on.

So you're not just buying marketing & biz coaching & advice....

You're buying my marketing EXPERTISE & my ridiculous WORK ETHIC for perfection & achieved outcomes.

You're buying my INTUITION of knowing exactly who your ideal client is & how to attract them to you & your biz.

Yes, I've had to put a dollar investment on what you will pay to work with me (we all have to eat right?) however what I will deliver with our sessions will be of far more value into your business than what you will invest financially.

And what you'll feel as a result of working with me, you just can't buy anywhere else...


There are 2 options for you to choose from with ongoing coaching with me.

The reason for the ongoing coaching instead of just session by session bookings is that in each session we will set goals & tasks for you to work through & implement into your biz structure then we will have our "Get it Done!" calls to keep you on track until our next "Make it Happen" session!

The FOCUS for both of them is to help you feel hugely supported in running your business.

We're a team.

It's accountability.

It's getting shit done instead of just saying you're going to do it!

The difference between the 2 is that the "Make Shit Happen" option is DOUBLE the time with me than the "Let's get growing" option which means ACCELERATED RESULTS! So it all depends on where you are right now in your business & how quickly you'd like to start seeing results.

Like anything - the more time you put into it, the faster you will see results.

“I’m serious about Making Shit Happen!” (8 hrs per month)
for the biz owner who is serious about the success of their biz

4x “Hour of Power” sessions (phone or FaceTime)
(4 hours total, weekly session, booked a month in advance, same day & time each week)

8x “Get it done” calls (15 minutes per call)
(2 hours total, twice per week, booked month in advance, same time twice each week)

Email contact as required
(allocated approx 2 hour of time per month)

3 months - $900 per month
$201 week (8 hours @ $125 hour)

6 months - $800 per month
$185 week (8 hours @ $114 hour)

9 months - $725 per month
$167 week (8 hours @ $103 hour)

“Let’s get growing” (4 hrs per month)
for the biz owner just wanting to iron out some issues

2x “Hour of Power” sessions (phone or FaceTime)
(2 hours total, fortnightly session, booked a month in advance, same day & time each fortnight)

4x “Get it done” calls (15 minutes per call)
(1 hour total, weekly check in call, booked a month in advance, same time each week)

Email contact as required
(allocated approx 1 hour of time per month)

3 months - $600 per month
approx $138 week

6 months - $550 per month
$127 week (4 hours @ $137.50 hour)

9 months - $500 per month
$115 week (4 hours @ $125 hour)

“Hour of Power” sessions (phone or FaceTime) are $185 per session