I've had people asking if I'm going to start running WORKshops for agggggessss! Finally it's time!

I had a brief stint at WORKshops while I was living in Byron last year, I put together a 6 week program on helping biz owners understand themselves & their ideal clients in business, the feedback was really great!

In Aug & Sept I facilitated some WORKshops for Nortec (& the feedback was awesome!), it got my creative juices flowing so the time has come to start some new WORKshops around Byron & Gold Coast.

I'm on a mission to help educate entrepreneurs & small biz owners like you on the importance of Magical Magnetic Marketing!

Instead of engaging me to do the work for you, I'd rather empower YOU to really own the Marketing for your biz!

There's 3 types of WORKshops available: (all WORKshops go for 3 hours)


Already managing your own website? Great, good on you!

These WORKshops are for you to come & WORK on your website + have access to my Green Brain for 3 hours!

$109 investment per person
(limited to 10 people per WORKshop)


It's so EASY when you know how! Or someone can show you how!

Come & learn how to set up your own magnetic website using the cheap & easy to use Squarespace platform!

$209 investment per person
(limited to 6 people per WORKshop)


Marketing for your biz got you baffled? No idea what to be investing into?

Invest a few of your precious hours into learning about Marketing Magic & how to attract your ideal client into your biz!

$159 investment per person
(limited to 15 people per WORKshop)


2016 WORKshops Calendar

Nothing booked for Sept so skip through to October, November & December to see dates for WORKshops until the rest of the year!